Monday, March 04, 2013

The Father: 'killing' a step parent!

One wonders how Iran could produce such wonderful films. The answer perhaps lies in the fact that the limitations posed by the state on film makers have been converted into strengths of the film industry in Iran. Majid Majidi is one such director who can be termed as one of the most creative geniuses of film language.

Director: Majid Majidi
Film clip
His 1996 film The Father (Pedar) is a fine example of this. As usual, his themes are very simple. But the way he puts these themes into the film language, creating visual images in each frame, is just inimitable. The story of The Father is indeed not so much of a father, but of a son Mehrolloah. He has lost his real father in an accident and has difficulties accepting his step father whom his mother has married without his knowledge. This is because Mehrollah has been away working to support the family – his mother and three sisters – after the death of his father. Once he comes to know of the entry of the step father into the family, he wants to kill him as Mehrollah thinks that he is a bad man.
What happens in his pursuit of devising plans to kill his father is indeed surprises you and thus it is best not describe it here, lest the pleasure of a visual experience be taken away from the readers who would like to watch the film. However, the way Majidi unravels the true selves of each of the characters – especially the son and the step father – is very unique. There is symbolism, as usual; but it is not a forced symbolism as in many contemporary Indian off-beat films. Metaphors and symbols just emerge as the story unfolds. That is possible only when a director allows the visuals to flow rather than intrude and impose violence to the natural flow.
A film becomes an eternal piece of art only when every shot in it is in the right place and in the right balance. The Father is one such film!
- Melwyn Pinto SJ


  1. I'm curious to watch this film sir.. Sounds very unique..

  2. Indeed, Majidi's film language is simple and unique. His films catch the attention of audience till the end, as you have mentioned there is an easy flow and harmony in the shots and scenes. Children of Heaven, Song Of Sparrows and The Color of Paradise a few touching ones to name..

  3. step parent adoption one of the most common form of adoption. It permits the stepparent to legally adopt the child of his or her spouse. This further eliminates the non-custodial parent from all the rights and responsibilities of the child which also includes child support. The sole obligation lies within the hands of the newly legalized parent and his/her spouse.

    Like any other form of adoption, step parent adoption is also governed by the state law. However, it may vary from state to state in terms of ease. Some of them comforts out the entire process if the documents favor the name of the desiring couple. Most common example is excluding the need of the couple to be represented by a lawyer. Some states may also omit the necessity of a home study which is quite indispensable in other types of adoptions. Though even then you may have to pass through a criminal background check.

    The time duration requisite for a successful step parent adoption also depends on the state. You may have to be married to your spouse for one year before you can even apply for the adoption. Conversely it might not be necessary in other states. No advert effects are generally applied to the legal rights of the child who is concerned in a normal run. The child may inherit from the birth parent or even the family members.

    What is an indispensable thing is the consent of the spouse as well as the other parent. A legal step parent adoption can never take place if one of the both disagrees to it. It can be a difficult task however. Also, the ways of gaining the consent may be different in different states. The non-custodial parent may just provide a written statement, he/she may have to appear in the court for the same, and a state may even ask the parent for receiving counseling about the subject.

    Different laws are being applied by different states. Therefore if you want to understand the requirements for step parent adoption, you must first go through the laws of your particular state and consult a lawyer if needed. This will evade you from being a victim of something you did not know about in the beginning. Some states may also provide you with free legal help if you are not financially strong to afford a lawyer of your own.
