Wednesday, April 04, 2012

The Artist - back to the origins

The Artist won the Academy Award this year in the best film category and rightly so. It is a silent film. Well, you must define the word ‘silent’. This film recreates the humble origins of a great art form called cinema. Right from the costumes, lighting, the props to music to the intertitles (subtitles in the modern terminology) everything in this film resemble those pristine silent films.

However, there is a difference. The difference is that this silent film is made in modern times. The story, of course, revolves round a famous hero George Valentine (Jean Dujardin). He is a well known artist of silent films. However, when the talkies begin, he has this struggle to change over or move with the times. His initial resistance only adds to his miseries, as all the efforts that he makes to continue the traditional film making fails. Finally, of course, the film has a happy ending as he gets converted and moves according to times, adapting himself.

Film director - Michel Hazanavicius 

Film Clip

Is it not an irony, then, that a film with such a theme is made in the modern age and with no speech? That is where, perhaps, the director Michel Hazanavicius is making a statement. If the film indeed worked and made huge profits in an age of noisy films all over, it is a reminder to all film lovers, in the words of film theorist Rudolf Arnheim, that film is first and foremost a visual medium. It is the visuals that must convey the meaning and not so much the dialogues and the words. Words and dialogues are basically the life blood of drama.

Hopefully we shall see many more silent films in the days to come. 

- Melwyn Pinto SJ

1 comment:

  1. Artist is one film which reminded everyone the charm that silent films once had. Brilliant acting by Jean Dujardin, this film is a must watch for all film lovers!!!!!
